About Us
We seek to create disciples for Christ through outreach, evangelism, and through seeking holiness, also called sanctification, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Beliefs
We believe in the triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Every person is created in God’s image.
Scripture is the authoritative Word of God in matters of faith and practice, the confession that our justification as sinners is by grace through faith, and the sober realization that we are in need of continual reformation and renewal.
New birth (salvation) comes through faith in the mystery of salvation in and through Jesus Christ alone.
God’s prevenient grace pursues us (comes after us) by the activity of the Holy Spirit from the time we are born; his justifying grace restores our relationship with Him; and His sanctifying grace changes us into people who strive for “holiness in living.” God “meets us where we are” but doesn’t “leave us where we are” – He changes us to become more like Jesus.
We are called to disciple people along the journey, and to love and serve others as we share with them God’s amazing grace.
In the essentials of our faith (belief in the triune God, the authority of Scripture, salvation through faith in Christ, etc.) we have unity with other Christians in other churches, in the non-essentials (method of baptism, interpretation of the book of Revelation, etc.) we have liberty (we can “agree to disagree”) and in all things we have charity, which is love!

Our Mission
Jesus commanded His followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28: 19-20). Somewhere along the way, we have had a tendency (in 21st century America, anyway) to think that the mission is to get people to come to our church building for Sunday worship. We desperately want to re-capture the original mission of Jesus at First UMC by being a church that GOES into the world, and not just a church that people COME TO.
Our church serves in our public schools, does work and service projects in our neighborhood, helps feed hungry people, fixes and repairs homes and yards for low-income residents, and is always finding ways to go into our neighborhoods and schools to serve people’s needs and share with everyone the love of Jesus. We’re not just about “saving souls”, but sharing Christ (who cares out our bodies, our minds, our hearts AND our souls) with people of all ages, nations and races while we love them, serve them, and in so doing, change the world – one life at a time!
Our Staff

Rev. Doug Jolly
Senior Pastor
Rev. Doug Jolly has been the Senior Pastor of First Methodist since the summer of 2019. He grew up the son of an Air Force pilot, was born overseas in West Germany, and has traveled and lived in a lot of different places, but feels very “at home” living in Alabama. Doug received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies from Asbury University, a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, and has been serving as an ordained pastor in the Methodist Church for 20+ years.
He and his wife Bethany have been married for 30 years, and they have two adult children – Rebecca, who lives and works as a behavioral therapist for children with autism in the greater Denver, CO area, and Michael who lives in Mobile and is training as an electrical apprentice. In what little spare time he has, Doug enjoys reading, playing guitar and drums, running, biking, and being outdoors. He will answer to “Reverend Doug”, “Pastor Doug” and “Brother Doug”, but really prefers it when you just call him “Doug”!

Beth McClendon
Children & Youth Director
Beth McClendon has been working with our children and youth for the better part of 15 years. She was born and raised in Marion, AL and graduated high school from the Marion Military Institute, did her undergraduate work at Judson College and her graduate work at the University of Montevallo. She has been a much-beloved elementary school teacher (kindergarten and third grade) at Southern Academy for many years.
She and her husband Tim have three adult children and four grandchildren, and her favorite pastimes include going to the beach and spending time with her grandkids.

Ann Langford
Church Secretary
Ann Langford has been our church secretary since April of 2014. She was born and raised in Greensboro, attending high school at Greensboro West and graduated from Southern Academy. For many years she served as the chief clerk in the Hale County Probate Court.
She is married to her husband Phil and they have three adult daughters and numerous grandchildren. When she's not taking care of one of her family members, she enjoys cooking, gardening and researching local and state history.

Pamelia Bedingfield
Music Director
Pamelia Bedingfield was born and raised in Tuscaloosa and received her Bachelor of Arts in music at the University of Alabama. She has been loyal to her call from God to spend her life working as a music minister, and has directed music in churches in both Miami, Florida and in the Tuscaloosa area. She has been serving as the organist and choir director of First Methodist of Greensboro for the past 25 years.
Pamela has a wonderful adult daughter, three grandchildren and one great grandbaby! When not playing music, Pamelia enjoys working in her yard and gardening with flowers.